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Powering your business through technology

Operational IT, Cyber Security, Automations and AI

Secure your network. Automate your workflow.

Sentry is Your IT Solutions Partner for Productivity

Reduce Complexity. Increase Innovation.

Organizational Integrations

Enterprise-grade security. Effortlessly accessible.

Cyber Security & Compliance

Generative AI. Real ROI.

Organizational Innovations

Franchise Technology

Technology Solutions Designed for Scale

Maximize Profit
& Productivity

Secure Your Business
& Maintain Compliance

Increase Innovation
& Strategic Growth

Technology Solutions for Your Business

Managed IT, Cyber Security, Compliance, AI, Automation and more.

Franchise Groups

Forming, Corporate, Regional & National

Mergers & Acquisitions

Acquiring, being Acquired or Merging

Small & Mid-Sized Business

5-500 Employees

Large Enterprise Business

500+ Employees, multiple locations

IT Professionals

Partnering with Current IT Staff

Restructuring & Insolvency

Businesses Exiting Bankruptcy, Digital Transformation

We help your business navigate technology to achieve maximized profit, increased innovation and ensured security.

Operational IT

Full or Co IT Management, Help Desk, Networking,  WIFI, VoIP and Phone Systems, Cloud Storage, Backup & Recovery, Microsoft 365/Gsuite, Device Purchasing and Management

Security & Compliance

Threat Mitigation, Firewall, Endpoint Protection, Breach Prevention, IT User Governance, Compliance Standards, Security Assessments, Employee Education

Organizational Integrations

Fractional CIO, Mergers & Acquisitions, Franchise Groups, Strategic Planning, Restructuring and Insolvency, Data Analytics, KPI's, Dashboards, Disaster Mitigation

Organizational Innovations

Generative AI, AI Implementation, Workflow Automations, AI Implementation, Robotic Process Automation

How does partnering with Sentry work?

These businesses and more like them trust Sentry

Our long-standing partnership with Sentry Technology Solutions has been nothing short of outstanding. Their team’s expertise and commitment to excellence have been critical to our success.

Nick, VP of Operations

Sentry provides fully managed IT for their 50+ locations in 27 states

Providing technical solutions to businesses in many industries.

Technical issues extend beyond mere IT problems; they represent significant business obstacles that can impede growth and progress. These challenges can disrupt operations, affect productivity, and ultimately impact the bottom line. At Sentry Technology Solutions, we understand the critical nature of these issues and act as a trusted partner to businesses. Our approach involves transforming complex technological challenges into efficient, streamlined solutions. By doing so, we empower business leaders to shift their focus from troubleshooting to driving success and innovation. With our support, you can concentrate on strategic initiatives and achieving your business goals, confident that your technology infrastructure is robust and reliable.


Click to learn more about your specific industry and schedule a discovery call today to see how Sentry can serve your unique business.

Employees at workstation using AI
Being Curious might be your technology superpower.
Sentry CEO John Ohlwiler being interviewed on the Emerging Franchise Brands Podcast
Sentry at IFA 2025 in Las Vegas
Business meeting talking about AI Implementation
Microsoft Copilot your everyday companion implemented by Sentry
Stop sign to remind business leaders to stop apologizing for AI
Businessman using secured AI thanks to Sentry
disappointed businessman after he got automation not AI
Business team determining cyber security defense with Sentry

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